I recalled my 2 Japanese girls (siblings 4 and 6 yo) who came for English Literacy class but joined our 4-hour preschool sessions daily.
I asked myself "how on earth am I going to teach them when they can't understand me and I can't understand them??"
4 hours Mon to Fri - I kinda went blank with lessons plan for them and getting them blended into my existing preschoolers.
I'm the type who believes in delivering what I do. When I can't deliver it makes me feel unproductive and I'm not doing the child any good.
.....So... Learn2Teach + Teach2Learn were activated in me.
Fast forward 5 months-
They have left and transitted to primary international school.
The conclusion:
(their mom): "I'm totally impressed with their English now. I didn't expect they could learn so much in such a short period. Emily is speaking English at home too"
It was not entirely her mom's remarks that got me feeling that I have achieved my goal.
It was moments like these..
"The girls asked for me when I was away for some days due to emergency matters, and the older sibling cried on her last day, hugging me"
#lifeisajourney - the journey matters if you put your heart to love them first before you teach. (parents and teachers)
Love, HelenC
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Journey of an Empowered Mom